Monday, May 6, 2013

BLOG ENVY: COMMUNE Taught me About a Newish Art Form

Image via Commune
Blogs can educate. Thank you Commune for enlightening me about an art form that I have noticed simply as colors on a building rather than the "subconscious art of graffiti removal."

Image via Flickr
Image via Flickr
This art form, created accidentally, was summarized by Roberta Smith, The New York Times thusly:
Painting over graffiti yields public abstract painting that looks peculiarly modernist and brings to mind Rothko, Motherwell and even Malevich.”

I stopped to take photos of these buildings in the Lancaster Mews area of Philadelphia. While I think the daycare was probably planned to be color-blocked, I think the Everyday Discount store probably was not.

Last three photos via Commune
Next time I am in a city, I am going to be super conscious about this 21st century art form.

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