Monday, May 20, 2013


Quintessential summer table setting a la Ted. All photos from Ted Kennedy Watson.
Ted Kennedy Watson is my friend. And he maintains the an awesome blog by the same name. I envy his dedication and discipline. He writes almost daily even when he's on the road,and he writes just enough. Keeping it brief, Ted gets to the heart of it.

Ted sells a lot of keys at his shop. In fact, last summer when I was working there for a day, I was given a key as a gift by one of his most devoted customers. She picked a key decorated with the scales of justice. She was unaware that I am a Libra.
Cool vintage, delicious food, gorgeous flowers. Scenes from Seattle. Photos of his shop Watson Kennedy. Stories behind some of the product he sells. Views from Vashon Island where he and his partner escape nearly every weekend. Recommended books, wines, and effortless salads.

Ted loves letters of all kinds.
This past week Ted has been in the NY region. First Hudson, then Brimfield, and now the city. I am particularly envious during this week. Ted is where I want to be!

Ted and Bailey at the shop in December 2012. Photo by  me.
P.S. I have been a Ted admirer for many years now. We have collaborated on a few editorial projects. Here is the story we did for Country Living Magazine and then last summer I wrote about the very patriotically-colored Westward for Benjamin Moore's Colorchats blog.

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